Status of Utility-Scale Solar Facility Regulations

Douglas County:
Last Planning Commission Meeting where Draft Regulations were discussed was on Jan. 24, 2022.  Douglas County’s regulations contain more detail and protections for specific issues/concerns.

You can view that meeting here:

The next date for the Planning Commission to meet is set for Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2022 at 6:30pm City Commission Room, 1st Floor City Hall, 6 E. 6th Street Lawrence, KS

Karen Willey Planning Commission Ad Hoc Subcommittee Chair for Utility-Scale Solar has indicated to us that the meeting will be both In-Person + Virtual Option (Hybrid Meeting).
They will be welcoming PUBLIC COMMENT and they NEED ALL OF US to make any critical FINAL SUGGESTIONS, REQUESTS, for Utility-Scale Solar at THIS MEETING!  They expect to spend considerable time engaging with the Public at this meeting!

Current Draft of Regulations:  Click on the link below to read all regulation details, jump to page 6 to view regulations,%20TA-21-00173,%20to%20add%20.pdf?handle=006F2BF9D2E8476496F8D7292A28FC35

Highlights of Douglas Counties Draft Regulations:

  • Max Project Area Size: 1,000 Acres, no shall contain more than 20 contiguous acres total.
  • Buffer from any City: Accommodate the future growth of incorporated cities, does not stipulate exact buffer.
  • Project Boundary Setback: 25 Feet
  • Setback from Dwellings: 500 Feet, Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) not allowed within this setback, bufferyard landscaping, fencing and
    access drives however may be within the 500 feet.
  • Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Term Limit: 25 Years
  • Slopes: Avoid Steep Slopes of 15% or Greater
  • Water and Soil Testing: Required, provided by EPA Certified Lab vetted by County, paid for by developer