Citizens Have Big Concerns


Videos Help Illuminate Utility-Scale Solar Concerns

What do we all REALLY KNOW?  Don’t RUSH the Critical Thinking, Serious Debate and Decisons that will irreversibly impact our Counties, State, Nation and World …

Concerns from Citizens

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Utility-Scale Solar Health and Safety Concerns

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Utility-Scale Solar Puts Property Values and Counties at Risk

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Thoughts and Opinions on Utility-Scale Solar

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Utility-Scale Solar Storm Water, Erosion and Flooding Concerns

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Utility-Scale Solar Noise

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Utility-Scale Solar Impacts on Wildlife and Environment

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Public Comments by Citizens at County Meetings

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Other Citizens’ Utility-Scale Solar Concern Topics

Problems with Utility-Scale Solar Power Facilities

This section contains discussion around the “problems” with renewable energy technologies.  What happens when Utility-Scale Solar ends up hurting humans, wildlife and the planet as a whole?  Understanding the many complexities of Utility-Scale Solar is critical before decisions are made.

Utility-Scale Solar and How it Can Hurt Humans and Our Planet

County and City Government Impacts

This section contains concerns over tax abatements for Industrial Utility-Scale Solar Developments, unreliable dispatchable electricity (energy insecurity), increased electrical rates, county staffing and administration challenges, negative impact on long-term economic growth of counties.

Concerns Over Negative Impacts of Utility-Scale Solar on Economic Growth of Counties

Property Valuation Impacts on Surrounding Properties

This section contains comments on Utility-Scale Solar and what has been observed and studied with regards to negative impacts to surrounding property values.  Content was curated from Appraisal experts, property value research studies (not many out there since large scale industrial solar power facilities near human populations/homes, within less than 1 mile, is a new concern).

Concerns Over the Impacts of Utility-Scale Solar on Property Values

Heath and Safety Concerns

This section contains discussion on fire risk hazards related to large lithium-ion battery energy storage systems, inverters and solar arrays.
Also health concerns around Utility-Scale Solar noise, glint and glare and long-term exposure to low-level radiation produced by EMFs (electric and magnetic fields) from concentrated Utility-Scale Solar inverters, transmission lines and battery storage facilities in close proximity to and in some cases surronding homes.

Utility-Scale Solar Lithium-ion Battery Storage Facility Fires

Stormwater and Erosion Control

Increased stormwater runoff from utility scale solar facilities during
both the construction phase and ongoing operations is a serious issue. During construction the land is scraped of vegetation and bare ground is exposed to rain and wind. Stormwater runoff will result in costly erosion, flooding and sediment buildup causing harm to connecting tributaries, eco-systems and landowners.

Utility-Scale Solar Soil Erosion, Storm Water Run-off and Flooding Concerns