Santa Fe County, NM

Petition for Responsible Solar


Getting Solar Benefits While Preserving Quality of Life

Santa Fe County, NM is being approached by AES Energy Company with a proposal for a massive 800 acre, 96 megawatt Industrial Utility Scale Solar Power Plant + 48 megawatt Lithium-ion Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) placed in 39 large containers. 

This facility is located between Rancho-Viejo, Rancho San Marcos and Eldorado on the last open space between Santa Fe and these 3 subdivisions adjacent the scenic Turquoise Trail. It is an important corridor for wildlife heading to the Galisteo Basin.

Although utility-scale solar facilities provide clean energy, they increase the risk of fire and explosion due to a “thermal runaway”. They degrade the quality of life for hundreds of area residents and negatively impact land values, property values, flora and fauna. Currently there is no robust framework, nor are there regulatory requirements or standards in the US to evaluate health risks in case of Lithium-ion battery failure.

Please add your name below to join with us in urging our Santa Fe County Commissioners to adopt regulations that will safeguard against adverse effect on human health and the environment. Accommodating the need for responsibly designed and placed Industrial Utility Scale Solar Power Plant is better served by relocating this facility outside any residential area.

Your contact information in the form below will only be shared with Santa Fe County, NM elected Commissioners, appointed Planning Board Members and Planning Staff. Your contact information will NEVER be shared with any other parties.

The comments portion ONLY of your submission may be shared with the public.

Thank you for taking the time to contribute your voice!

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